The agony of love

If he doesn’t feel the same, I am going to be in a world of pain.
I want her so much that I haven’t had a sensible thought in days … for the space she is taking up in my head.
We’ve all been there … that first month of love; the ecstasy and the agony of all the promise and all the fear.
The wanting to call, not wanting to be too eager; hoping every text message, email, phone call is them; impatient with everyone who is not them.
Lying awake at night thinking of them and wondering if they are thinking of you.Being wonderfully exhausted the next day.
Thinking about that first kiss, trying to remember to capture every second of it in your mind so you’ll never forget it.
Going back over every word they have said, every compliment they have given.
Worrying about their ex, their friends of the same sex, how long it has been since their last relationship.
Not being truly calm until you are together.
Ah, the anguish of love! I have been working on a break up scene (no spoiler alert necessary … all ends well) for Jesse and Dominic in Death by Disguise and a love scene for Lukas and Lucy in my new paranormal romance The Clairvoyant’s Glasses. Capturing all the emotions is a challenge for any writer.
I’m inspired by some of the wonderful scenes of love and loss I’ve read by our very own Australian authors who have captured the ‘anx’ perfectly. Such as Kylie Scott’s description in Play when Anne thinks she’s lost Mal: “Anger and sadness owned me” and in Lick when Evelyn loses David: “I had to chase him out of my mind a thousand times a day.”
Charlotte McConaghy’s beautiful characters in Avery are so rich in their depth of emotions. As the love builds between Ambrose and Ava and they are yet to touch as lovers, Ava inhales as Ambrose is “sinking down to press himself along the length of me. My heart was beating so fast I thought it might give out.”
Finally, here’s a thought for the true romantics—there are theories as to why we wear our wedding ring on the fourth finger of the left hand. The Romans believed there was a vein in this finger, referred to as the ‘Vena Amoris’ or the ‘Vein of Love’ which directly connected to the heart.
Long live love.